Literacy & Reading
Interaction with books, book knowledge, story structure, environmental print, telling and retelling of stories.
Alphabet Knowledge & Writing
Stages of writing development, alphabet letters and sounds, print concepts, name recognition and production.
Expressive & Receptive Language
Oral comprehension, asking and answering questions, speech production, conversation, grammar, simple and complex sentences, sounds of language- rhyming and alliteration, vocabulary.
Mathematics & Problem Solving
Rote counting, numeral recognition, ordinal terms, simple addition and subtraction with concrete models, mathematical concepts- more/less, geometry and spatial sense, common shapes, location words, measurement skills, quantity, seriation, sequence, pattern, sorting/matching, simple graphing, time concepts, cause and effect, problem-solving skills such as trial and error, experimentation.
Science & Nature
Physical: texture, classification, investigation of properties, position and motion; Life sciences: investigation of plants and animals, life cycle; Earth & space: nature, weather, seasons.
Physical Development & Health
Personal care and self-help skills, nutrition, healthy habits, safety, basic anatomy- body parts, organs; gross motor skills- running, jumping, hopping, marching, balance, coordinated movement, personal boundaries; fine motor- grasping, pinching, manipulating, hand-to-eye coordination.
Art & Music Appreciation
Exploration and appreciation of art, creative work, self-expression; exploration and experimentation with music, singing, and dancing.
Symbolic Representation
Imitation, role play, creation/recreation of story, dramatic play with objects (dramatic & sociodramatic play; levels of block play).
Social Interactions & Community
Social participation, solitary, parallel, associative and cooperative play, classroom routines, small and large group experiences, classroom responsibilities, empathy and helping behaviors, perspective of others, social problem-solving (levels of social play; classroom community; interactions with others).
Emotions & Self-Regulation
Awareness and recognition of emotion in self and others, connections between feelings and behaviors, self-regulation of emotions and actions, attention span.